- 有关虎年新年2010春节英文祝福免费短信大全中英对照
- May your New Year be filled with special moment, warmth, peace and happiness, the joy of covered ones near, and wishing you all the joys of Christmas and a year of happiness.愿你的新年充满温馨,祥和,与亲人团聚的快乐,祝乐陶陶,新年乐无限。
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2010/0212/6001.html2010-02-12
- 元旦中式婚礼主持词Chinese wedding
- 同欢同乐同聚一堂,新婚喜悦一同分享。下面进行第五项——新郎新娘抛洒喜糖:新婚的喜糖给人以甜蜜、给人以畅想、给人以力量。这正是百年修得同船渡,千年求得共枕眠。Rejoice together in a fun, share the joy of the wedding. Following the fifth - the bride and groom tossed ready for the wedding: the wedding of the happy sweet gives a sweet, giving to Imagination, to give people power. This is exactly the same boat with a hundred years of cultivation, the Millennium obtain Sleeping sleep.
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2009/1219/5822.html2009-12-19
- 开香槟酒致辞西式婚礼主持词Open Champagne
- 爱情是灯,越多越亮;爱情是河,越流越长;爱情是花,越开越美;爱情是酒,越沉越香。下面有请两位新人共同为水晶杯注满香槟酒。Love is light, the more the more brighter; love is a river, the more flow the more long; love is spent, the more open the more the United States; love is wine, the more Shen Yue Hong. Here are invited together for the two new crystal cup filled with champagne.
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2009/1218/5821.html2009-12-18
- 韩剧《突然有一天》剧情介绍1-20集大结局剧照欣赏
- 韩剧《突然有一天》这部电视剧在“幸福不是靠命运而是要靠自己开拓”的主题下展开故事,通过生活中的逆境,把家庭的重要性和对人生的深刻体察传递给观众。电视剧《有一天》讲述的是在同一天、同一个时间、同一个场所出生的两个女人在命运的捉弄下,拥有各自不同的人生,在无法回头的人生中创造宽恕和爱情的故事。Korean drama "Suddenly one day," this drama in the "happiness does not depend on the fate rather rely on our own development" launched under the theme of the story, through the life of adversity, the importance of the family and to appreciate life's deep pass to the audience. TV drama "One day," tells the same day, the same time, same place of birth of the two women under the twist of fate, with their different life, a life can not go back to create forgiveness and love stories.
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2009/1213/5779.html2009-12-13
- Dance with wind 崇尚经典 舞风 阿玛迪斯战记
- 阿玛迪斯战记音乐,可与FF最好听的那首音乐比一下!
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2009/0721/3114.html2009-07-21
- 甜蜜再恋(1-20大结局)恶作剧2吻分集介绍剧情简介
- 甜蜜再恋(恶作剧2吻)『英语:They Kiss Again』台湾偶像剧(恶作剧之吻)『英语:It started with a kiss』的续集,由郑元畅、林依晨以及汪东城领衔主演。此剧是改编自日本漫画家多田熏的《淘气小亲亲》原著漫画第11至23册(《恶作剧之吻》只改编了原著漫画第1册至第10册的内容)。
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2009/0125/1451.html2009-01-25
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