- 元旦中式婚礼主持词Chinese wedding
- 同欢同乐同聚一堂,新婚喜悦一同分享。下面进行第五项——新郎新娘抛洒喜糖:新婚的喜糖给人以甜蜜、给人以畅想、给人以力量。这正是百年修得同船渡,千年求得共枕眠。Rejoice together in a fun, share the joy of the wedding. Following the fifth - the bride and groom tossed ready for the wedding: the wedding of the happy sweet gives a sweet, giving to Imagination, to give people power. This is exactly the same boat with a hundred years of cultivation, the Millennium obtain Sleeping sleep.
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2009/1219/5822.html2009-12-19
- 证婚仪式主持词西式婚礼主持词Witnesses the ceremony
- 今天是你们结婚大典之日,请当着所有来宾的面宣告爱情承诺,有请两位新人宣读爱情誓言。Today is the day of your wedding ceremony, invited guests in front of face declaration of love for all commitments, please read the two new oath of love.
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2009/1218/5819.html2009-12-18
- 婚礼上父母家长致辞4则中英双语版Parents, the wedding speech
- 婚礼上父母致词可以给父母打印下来备用哦!祝他们俩新婚愉快、幸福美满。也祝大家身体健康、万事如意。谢谢大家!Parents wedding Speech can be printed off back to their parents Oh! I wish them both a happy wedding and happiness. Also I wish you all good health and good luck. Thank you!
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2009/1218/5818.html2009-12-18
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