- the Past Tense200字高中生日记
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- http://www.voive.cn/article/2011/0227/6439.html2011-02-27
- February 22, 2011 New Zealand's second largest city, the new 6.3 earthquake occurred has caused 65 p
- Agence France-Presse reported that John Key said New Zealand Prime Minister, 22 at noon local time in the country's second largest city, Christchurch has a strong earthquake killed at least 65 people dead.
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2011/0222/6383.html2011-02-22
- 江苏南京《青奥会》目标是什么青少年奥林匹克运动会2014作文素材
- 青少年奥林匹克运动会(the Youth Olympic Games,YOG),简称为青少年奥运会、青年奥运会、青奥会。国际奥委会第122届全会2010年2月11日在温哥华决定,将2014年第二届夏季青年奥林匹克运动会的承办权授予中国的南京市。
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2010/0224/6039.html2010-02-24
- 有关虎年新年2010春节英文祝福免费短信大全中英对照
- May your New Year be filled with special moment, warmth, peace and happiness, the joy of covered ones near, and wishing you all the joys of Christmas and a year of happiness.愿你的新年充满温馨,祥和,与亲人团聚的快乐,祝乐陶陶,新年乐无限。
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2010/0212/6001.html2010-02-12
- 20集电视剧《美丽高解像》分集剧情介绍1到14集剧照欣赏
- 20集电视剧《美丽高解像》英文名 the Beauty Of the Game 三名不同出身的电视台女明星为名逐利,追寻永远美丽的神话,不惜付上难以赎回的沉重代价;三人的演艺生涯经过惊涛骇浪,千帆尽过,才领悟出创造美丽的不二法门。高青雯(徐子珊)为满足虚荣心,不理息影母亲张丽虹(苑琼丹)的反对参加电视台选美,勇夺冠军后一夕窜红,新紥姐仔唐可儿(陈敏之)感自己地位受到威胁,为求出位跳槽敌台做一姐,任职助导的好朋友庄迪勤(黎诺懿)对她多番劝导亦无效。另一边厢,当年与丽虹有过节的电视台一姐姜展凤(伍咏薇)见青雯气势如虹,故意指导她演戏技巧,为要讨好她,引诱她沉沦堕落;可惜展凤妄图永远的美丽而过量注射美颜禁药,令容貌变形,化妆品广告被青雯取代,就连蝉联多届视后之位亦恐怕拱手让人,展凤愤恨难平,施阴招连番加害青雯,累她饱受千夫所指,一蹶不振……
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2009/1230/5865.html2009-12-30
- 09最新圣诞节给老师祝感人祝福语免费短信中英文对照
- Christmas is a time for gladness and rejoicing …because there is no class.圣诞节是喜庆的日子——因为不用上课。
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2009/1223/5836.html2009-12-23
- 元旦中式婚礼主持词Chinese wedding
- 同欢同乐同聚一堂,新婚喜悦一同分享。下面进行第五项——新郎新娘抛洒喜糖:新婚的喜糖给人以甜蜜、给人以畅想、给人以力量。这正是百年修得同船渡,千年求得共枕眠。Rejoice together in a fun, share the joy of the wedding. Following the fifth - the bride and groom tossed ready for the wedding: the wedding of the happy sweet gives a sweet, giving to Imagination, to give people power. This is exactly the same boat with a hundred years of cultivation, the Millennium obtain Sleeping sleep.
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2009/1219/5822.html2009-12-19
- 开香槟酒致辞西式婚礼主持词Open Champagne
- 爱情是灯,越多越亮;爱情是河,越流越长;爱情是花,越开越美;爱情是酒,越沉越香。下面有请两位新人共同为水晶杯注满香槟酒。Love is light, the more the more brighter; love is a river, the more flow the more long; love is spent, the more open the more the United States; love is wine, the more Shen Yue Hong. Here are invited together for the two new crystal cup filled with champagne.
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2009/1218/5821.html2009-12-18
- 元旦婚礼典礼仪式致辞西式婚礼主持词Ceremony
- 尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾,女士们、先生们,大家上午好!今天是公元2010年1月1日,是一个吉祥喜庆的日子,请允许我代表两位新人向现场的各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!!!Dear leaders, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning! Today is the year January 1, 2010, is an auspicious day of celebration, allow me on behalf of two newcomers to the field of distinguished guests a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks! ! !
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2009/1218/5820.html2009-12-18
- 证婚仪式主持词西式婚礼主持词Witnesses the ceremony
- 今天是你们结婚大典之日,请当着所有来宾的面宣告爱情承诺,有请两位新人宣读爱情誓言。Today is the day of your wedding ceremony, invited guests in front of face declaration of love for all commitments, please read the two new oath of love.
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2009/1218/5819.html2009-12-18
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