- 偷心大圣PS男主题曲《我是谁 我是谁 我是谁》完整版MP3免费下载
- 我有我的风格我就是音乐潮流!融合嘻哈、放克、摇滚基因,结合双饶舌主唱力道DJ前卫层次,六位铁男组合带来强大听觉冲击,威力早已风靡全台校园!就让华语歌坛最受瞩目新乐团Magic Power沸腾你的灵魂!大胆说出心中想说的话!
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2010/0307/6128.html2010-03-07
- 元旦中式婚礼主持词Chinese wedding
- 同欢同乐同聚一堂,新婚喜悦一同分享。下面进行第五项——新郎新娘抛洒喜糖:新婚的喜糖给人以甜蜜、给人以畅想、给人以力量。这正是百年修得同船渡,千年求得共枕眠。Rejoice together in a fun, share the joy of the wedding. Following the fifth - the bride and groom tossed ready for the wedding: the wedding of the happy sweet gives a sweet, giving to Imagination, to give people Power. This is exactly the same boat with a hundred years of cultivation, the Millennium obtain Sleeping sleep.
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2009/1219/5822.html2009-12-19
- 爱情麻辣烫与诱惑
- 我喜欢席琳迪翁的the Power of love,尤其是Cause Iam your lady and you are my man (因为我是你的女人,你是我的男人 ) of the Power of love (这爱的力量 )The sound of your heart beating (你的心跳声 )Made it clear (让它变得很简单 )。
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2008/0829/715.html2008-08-29
- 炎炎夏日我只涂睫毛膏出门
- 炎炎夏日,浓妆艳抹似乎缺少了几分清爽感。但是不化妆又会无精打采,看起来眼部无神。细腻有层次感的美睫具有强化眼神的Power,让平淡清凉的妆容更加丰富、醒目。
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2008/0808/594.html2008-08-08
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