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  • 元旦中式婚礼主持词Chinese wedding
  • 同欢同乐同聚一堂,新婚喜悦一同分享。下面进行第五项——新郎新娘抛洒喜糖:新婚的喜糖给人以甜蜜、给人以畅想、给人以力量。这正是百年修得同船渡,千年求得共枕眠。Rejoice together in a fun, share the joy of the wedding. Following the fifth - the bride and groom tossed ready for the wedding: the wedding of the happy sweet gives a sweet, giving to Imagination, to give people power. This is exactly the same boat with a hundred years of cultivation, the Millennium obtain Sleeping sleep.
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  • 美宝莲纽约相约今年春夏彩妆潮流发布
  • 今年美宝莲纽约春夏彩妆潮流灵感来源于自然生态与人文社会的融合,4款主题妆容:NEON MANHATTAN霓虹曼哈顿、Chinese PEONY中国牡丹、SPRING BAMBOO春雨青竹和BACK TO FUTURE重返未来,每组色彩都源于真实的生活,在矛盾生活状态下形成对比,冷与暖,明与暗,透明与不透明。色彩总体处于中等艳度、中等纯度,色彩性格处于中性。
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