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  • 开香槟酒致辞西式婚礼主持词Open Champagne
  • 爱情是灯,越多越亮;爱情是河,越流越长;爱情是花,越开越美;爱情是酒,越沉越香。下面有请两位新人共同为水晶杯注满香槟酒。Love is light, the more the more brighter; love is a river, the more flow the more long; love is spent, the more open the more the United States; love is wine, the more Shen Yue Hong. Here are invited together for the two new crystal cup filled with Champagne.
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  • 奢华香气 4款风情万种香槟
  • Champagne Cocktail的出现,让傲慢的香槟又多了施展自己才华的方式,几滴Bitters苦酒和一粒方糖便可以将香槟演绎成另外一种风情,更何况将独一无二的香槟与传奇的故事联系在一起的时候,你将会感触到它的另一面。
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