- 元旦婚礼典礼仪式致辞西式婚礼主持词Ceremony
- 尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾,女士们、先生们,大家上午好!今天是公元2010年1月1日,是一个吉祥喜庆的日子,请允许我代表两位新人向现场的各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!!!Dear leaders, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning! Today is the year January 1, 2010, is an auspicious day of celebration, allow me on behalf of two newcomers to the field of distinguished guests a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks! ! !
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2009/1218/5820.html2009-12-18
- 证婚仪式主持词西式婚礼主持词Witnesses the Ceremony
- 今天是你们结婚大典之日,请当着所有来宾的面宣告爱情承诺,有请两位新人宣读爱情誓言。Today is the day of your wedding Ceremony, invited guests in front of face declaration of love for all commitments, please read the two new oath of love.
- http://www.voive.cn/article/2009/1218/5819.html2009-12-18
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